35. Philippines @ Puntud Island / Virgin Island + Cebu - Oslob + Mactan - Mactan

After the scooter day we wanted a relaxing day.

We went to Pungtud Island also called Virgin Island.

When we left the beach the sun was shining, but about half an hour later when we got to the island it was raining and it did not look like it was going to stop.

But it did.

The island is paradise and has one of the most amazing beaches we have ever seen.

The island is called Virgin Island by the locals and is one of the many islands in the Philippines where a big area of the beach incl. a long white sandbar that extend to the shallow water, sink during high tide and only the palm trees in the middle are visible.

Our boat waiting for us.

At some point another boat came, otherwise we were alone.

Swimming in the clear warm water. Riku is taking pictures with an underwater camera.

We saw many small marine animals...

Also starfishes.

Markus found one too... :)

We had really nice weather after the rain went away.

This is a statue of Padre Pio.

Then it was time to go back to Alona Beach and our hotel.

Inside our boat.

When the weather is good the water is so so clear.

First sight of our beach.

Our part of the beach with our hotel where we stayed the first night. Then we moved hotel to a place a little cheaper, but still very nice. Thanks to Riku for giving us a reason to stay in better hotels...

After spending some days with Riku in the area of Bohol we all went to Oslob on Cebu island. 

It took about 5 hours in a little boat to cross the water between the two island. It was horrible and we will never do it again. We had to wake up really early. There were too many people in the local boat. The boat was bad and the engine failed so we had to change to a smaller boat in the middle of rough ocean. 

Due to really bad weather we did not get to swim with the Whale Sharks. But next time...

After saying goodbye to Riku, Markus and I went by bus to Mactan Island and more amazing beaches for a couple of days before flying to Singapore.

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