33. Philippines @ Busuanga - Coron

This is almost our route to the town of Coron.

We went from El Nido directly towards Coron. Not first south. That took us about 8,5 hours.

The first sight of the island of Busuanga where the town of Coron is situated. Our boat was the same as the one on this picture. Maybe a bit bigger. We were about 15 passengers and 4 crew members.

Here we are on the boat from El Nido to the town of Coron. On this picture we are almost on real ground again after 8,5 hours on the water in a not big boat. It was not a bad trip. Very pleasant, with lunch and beautiful sights every time we woke up from our half sleeping... We were so few people on board that it was possible to lie down and Carina was very glad because she gets seasick quite easy.

We spend some days diving in water around the many islands. It was great. First time we dived into old shipwrecks.

We had to move on because we were going to meet Markus's good friend from Finland.

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